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Peachtree to excel odbc

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Really should just change report to mark them red but pull through sales ledger analysis 1 field, so all im doing is changing text colour rather than Mkt type. Mkt type = red.if report is stating that the invoice is GRP but already contains ROOFING in customer tab, most likely ROOFING customers whove took a cross over product (catalyst etc) so I'll change them back to what should be on my sheet. If salesledgeranalysis1 is blank then the returned mkt is green.I then filter on green and import all the market types in customer tab for new customers or ones they may have been missed prev (but on top of it now so green will always be new customer between current run date and when last ran this overall report). Doesn't work 100% because some products are taken by both customer types (catalyst & chopped strand matt etc). Put barcodes in background of roofing products to trigger this. Added RVAL expression and conditional formatting so if report contains a roofing prod = ROOFING else GRP.

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Used to filter Mkt for blanks and then go in each indiv corresponding inv and check see what market the inv is by nature of products they take. Everybody forgets so added it to this report, so can eventually pivot on ROOFING customers and GRP customers. Mkt: we always manually put this in sales ledger analysis one in customer record. Will eventually pivot on all these fields. Purpose of this report really is to keep track of individual invoice profit.

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